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Islandwide Delivery Special

Dine comfortably at home with our islandwide delivery service. We cater for your daily meals and special occasions. Do sign up as a member at your payment checkout page to enjoy your returning reward(s).


Advance Take-away Special

Save time and beat the queue before you head down to our restaurant for take-aways. We cater for your daily meals and special occasions. Do sign up as a member at your payment checkout page to enjoy your returning reward(s).​

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黑松露炒牛肉丁 Stir-Fried Wagyu Beef With Truffle
牛油黑松露螃蟹 Creamy Butter With Truffle Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

黑松露鲍鱼炒饭 Truffle Stir-Fried Abalone Fried Rice
牛油黑松露螃蟹 Creamy Butter With Truffle Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

砂锅螃蟹米粉汤 Claypot Crab Vermicelli Soup

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

牛油螃蟹 Creamy Butter Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

咸蛋螃蟹 Salted Egg Crab

Please add the number of crabs you wish to have and the prices will be reflected accordingly. Each crab weighs approx 900g - 1kg.

辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

黑胡椒蟹 Black Pepper Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

白胡椒螃蟹 White Pepper Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

螃蟹焖米粉/冬粉 Stir Fried Vermicelli Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

砂煲咖喱螃蟹 Claypot Curry Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

砂煲咖沙螃蟹 Claypot Laksa Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

甘香螃蟹 Fried Spice Fragrance Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

姜葱螃蟹 Spring Onion Ginger Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

清蒸螃蟹 Steamed Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

椒盐螃蟹 Salt Pepper Crab

Please add the number of crabs you wish to have and the prices will be reflected accordingly. Each crab weighs approx 900g - 1kg.

避风唐螃蟹 "Pi Feng Tang" Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price 时价

雪鱼 Cod Fish

Weight between 300g to 500g 重量在 300g to 500g 之间

笋壳 Marble Goby

Weight between 800g to 900g 重量在800g to 900g 之间

红斑 Red Garoupa

Weight between 800g to 900g 重量在800g to 900g 之间

五人份 5 Pax - $688++

Set includes: 1. 砂锅螃蟹米粉汤 Claypot Crab Vermicelli Soup 2. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 3. 菜脯蒸鱼 Steamed Fish Topped In Preserved Radish 4. 咸蛋虾 Salted Egg Prawns 5. 红烧鲍鱼 Australian Abalone In Superior Sauce 6. 蟹肉豆腐羹 Signature Crab Meat With Tofu Thick Soup 7. 蒜香椒盐排骨 Garlic Salt & Pepper Pork Ribs 8. 白果芋泥 Yam Paste With Gingko Nuts

八人份 8 Pax - $888++

Set includes: 1. 砂锅螃蟹米粉汤 Claypot Crab Vermicelli Soup 2. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 3. 菜脯蒸鱼 Steamed Fish Topped In Preserved Radish 4. 麦片虾 Crispy Cereal Prawns 5. 红烧鲍鱼 Australian Abalone In Superior Sauce 6. 妈蜜排骨 Marmite Pork Ribs 7. 蟹肉豆腐羹 Signature Crab Meat With Tofu Thick Soup 8. 松菇青龙菜 Stir-Fried Shimeji Mushroom With Garlic Chives 9. 白果芋泥 Yam Paste With Gingko Nuts

十人份 10 Pax - $1088++

Set includes: 1. 砂锅螃蟹米粉汤 Claypot Crab Vermicelli Soup 2. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 3. 菜脯蒸鱼 Steamed Fish Topped In Preserved Radish 4. |避风塘虾 ""Pi Feng Tang"" Prawns 5. 红烧鲍鱼 Australian Abalone In Superior Sauce 6. 咸蛋排骨 Salted Egg Pork Ribs 7. 蟹肉豆腐羹 Signature Crab Meat With Tofu Thick Soup 8. 松菇肉松豆腐 Homemade Beancurd With Shimeji Mushroom & Chicken Floss 9. 上汤三蛋元菜 Superior Stock Trio Egg With Chinese Spinach 10. 白果芋泥 Yam Paste With Gingko Nuts

咸蛋鱼皮 Salted Egg Fish Skin
炸荔枝虾球 Crispy Lychee Prawn Balls
海鲜迷你吐司 Seafood Mini Toasts
炸虾枣 Homemade Prawn Rolls
生捞海芦笋 Sea Asparagus In Homemade Thai Sauce🌶️
海皇鲍炒饭 Abalone Fried Rice with Superior Sauce
蟹肉炒饭 Mellben Crab Meat Fried Rice
海鲜炒饭 Seafood Fried Rice
扬州炒饭 Yangzhou Fried Rice
三巴鸡丁炒饭 Sambal Diced Chicken Fried Rice🌶️
长寿面 Longevity Noodle
叻沙粗米粉 Mellben Signature Laksa 🌶️
干炒面线 Stir-Fried Flour Vermicelli
干炒冬粉 Stir-Fried Glass Vermicelli
生捞河粉 Stir-Fried Flat Rice Noodle with Sliced Fish
海鲜河粉 Stir-Fried Flat Rice Noodle with Seafood
马来炒面 Mee Goreng 🌶️
鱼片粗米粉汤 Sliced Fish with Rice Vermicelli Soup
蟹肉Ee-Fu面 Crab Meat Ee Fu Noodle

红烧澳洲大鲍鱼 Australian Abalone In Superior Sauce
生捞鲍鱼 Australian Abalone Tossed In Special Spiced Sauce
小鲍鱼西兰花 Baby Abalone with Poached Broccoli (2 人份 / 2 Pax)
三巴啦啦 Sambal Clams
姜葱啦啦 Stir-Fried Clams with Spring Oninon & Ginger
咸蛋蝦 Salted Egg Prawns
牛油蝦 Creamy Butter Prawns
麥片蝦 Crispy Cereal Prawns
芒果蝦 Mango Salad Prawns
巴东蝦 Patong Style Prawns
白灼蝦 Poached Prawn with Chinese Wine
醉蝦 Claypot Drunken Prawns
避风唐蝦 "Pi Feng Tang" Prawns
富贵鸡 Fortune Chicken
药材鸡 Steamed Herbal Chicken
泰式鸡排 Deep Fried Thai Style Chicken Cutlet🌶️
双色鸡排 Duo Chicken Cutlet
土匪鸡翅 Deep Fried Mid Wings
风味鸡丁 Stir-Fried Diced Chicken with Signature Sauce
腰果鸡丁 Stir-Fried Diced Chicken with Cashew Nuts
巴东鸡丁 Patong Style Diced Chicken
咸蛋排骨 Salted Egg Pork Ribs
妈蜜排骨 Marmite Pork Ribs
蒜香椒盐排骨 Garlic Salt & Pepper Pork Ribs
冰冻咕咾肉 Iced Chilled Sweet & Sour Pork
东坡肉 Braised Pork Belly
鸡精田鸡 Bullfrog with Chicken Essence
宫保田鸡 Stir-Fried Bullfrog with Dried Chillies🌶️
姜葱田鸡 Stir-Fried Bullfrog with Spring Onion & Ginger
药材田鸡汤 Bullfrog Poached In Chinese Herbs
黑松露牛油螃蟹 會 Creamy Butter with Truffle Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price + 10 时价

黑松露炒冬粉蟹 Stir-Fried Vermicelli with Truffle Crab

Please Select Quantity 请选择数量 Seasonal Price + 10 时价

黑松露牛肉丁 Stir-Fried Wagyu Beef with Truffle
黑松露三鲜菇 Assorted Trio Mushrooms with Truffles
黑松露鲍鱼炒饭 Black Truffle Abalone Fried Rice
松菇肉松豆腐 Homemade Beancurd with Shimeji Mushroom & Chicken Floss
蟹籽皇豆腐 Steamed Homemade Beancurd with Crab Roe
脆皮豆腐 Deep Fried Crispy Beancurd
砂锅虾仁豆腐 Claypot Beancurd with Shrimp
XO酱带子芦笋會 Stir-Fried Asparagus with Scallops In X.O Sauce
腰果炒带子 Sauteed Japanese Scallops with Cashew Nuts
海参西兰花 Broccoli with Sea Cucumber
带子西兰花 Broccoli with Scallops
香菇西兰花 Broccoli with Shimeji Mushrooms
上汤三蛋元菜 Superior Stock Trio Egg with Chinese Spinach
肉碎四季豆 French Beans with Minced Meat
三巴鱿鱼空心菜 Sambal Morning Glory with Cuttlefish🌶️
松菇奶白 Stir-Fried Shimeji Mushroom with Milk Cabbge
松菇青龙菜 Stir-Fried Shimeji Mushroom with Garlic Chives
黑松露三鲜菇 Assorted Trio Mushrooms with Truffles
蒜蓉时蔬 Stir-Fried Seasonal Vegetables


Min. 2 Pax to order

玉米羹 Sweet Corn Thick Soup (2 人份 / 2 Pax)
蟹肉豆腐羹 Signature Crab Meat Tofu Thick Soup (2 人份 / 2 Pax)
酸辣羹 Sour and Spicy Thick Soup (2 人份 / 2 Pax)🌶️
蟹皇鱼翅 Superior Shark Fin with Crab Roe (2 人份 / 2 Pax)
冬虫夏草鸡汤 Chicken Soup with Cordyceps (2 人份 / 2 Pax)
上汤四宝 Four Treasures Soup (2 人份 / 2 Pax)
砂锅海参 Claypot Braised Sea Cucumber
海味煲 Seafood Combination In Superior Stock
黑胡椒牛肉 Stir-Fried Wagyu Black Pepper Beef
姜葱炒牛肉 Stir-Fried Wagyu Beef with Spring Onion & Ginger
黑松露牛肉 Stir-Fried Wagyu Beef with Truffles
五人份 5 Pax - $1188++

Set includes: 1. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 2. 港式蒸东星斑 Hong Kong Style Steamed Leopard Coral Grouper 3. 澳洲龙虾伊府面 Baked Australian Lobster With Ee Fu Noodles 4. 金蒜蒸鲜鲍鱼 Fresh Abalone Steamed With Garlic 5. 蟹皇魚翅 Superior Shark Fin Soup With Crab Roe 6. 蒜香椒盐排骨 Garlic Salt & Pepper Pork Ribs 7. 带子西兰花 Broccoli With Scallops 8. 冰糖红枣燕窝 Double Boiled Bird Nest With Red Dates & Rock Sugar

八人份 8 Pax - $1688++

Set includes: 1. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 2. 港式蒸东星斑 Hong Kong Style Steamed Leopard Coral Grouper 3. 椒盐澳洲龙虾 Salt & Pepper Australian Lobster 4. 金蒜蒸鲜鲍鱼 Fresh Abalone Steamed With Garlic 5. 蟹皇魚翅 Superior Shark Fin Soup With Crab Roe 6. 妈蜜排骨 Marmite Pork Ribs 7. 松菇青龙菜 Stir-Fried Shimeji Mushroom With Garlic Chives 8. 黑松露海皇鲍炒饭 Black Truffle Abalone Fried Rice 9. 冰糖红枣燕窝 Double Boiled Bird Nest With Red Dates & Rock Sugar

十人份 10 Pax - $2188++

Set includes: 1. 辣椒螃蟹 Chilli Crab 2. 港式蒸东星斑 Hong Kong Style Steamed Leopard Coral Grouper 3. 蒜蓉粉丝蒸澳洲龙虾 Australian Lobster Steamed With Garlic & Vermicelli Noodles 4. XO酱鲜鲍鱼 Braised Fresh Abalone In X.O Sauce 5. 蟹皇魚翅 Superior Shark Fin Soup With Crab Roe 6. 咸蛋排骨 Salted Egg Pork Ribs 7. 松菇青龙菜 Stir-Fried Shimeji Mushroom With Garlic Chives 8. 带子西兰花 Broccoli With Scallops 9. 黑松露海皇鲍炒饭Black Truffle Abalone Fried Rice 10. 冰糖红枣燕窝 Double Boiled Bird Nest With Red Dates & Rock Sugar

冰糖红枣燕窝(热/冷) Double Boliled Bird Nest with Red Dates & Rock Sugar (Hot/Cold)
冰糖雪蛤(热/冷) Double Boiled Hashima with Rock Sugar (Hot/Cold)
红豆沙锅饼 Deep Fried Red Bean Pancake
白果芋泥 會 Yam Paste with Gingko Nuts
豆浆汤圆 Hot Soya Milk with Glutinous Rice Ball
可乐 Coca Cola
4 %
SGD 3.75
可乐无糖 Coca Cola Zero
4 %
SGD 3.75
绿茶 Green Tea
4 %
SGD 3.75
雪碧 Sprite
4 %
SGD 3.75
烏龍茶 Oolong Tea
0 %
SGD 3.75
矿泉水 Mineral Water (Bottle)
薏米水 Homemade Barley
4 %
SGD 4.18
柠檬茶 Homemade Lemon Tea
4 %
SGD 4.18
西洋菜蜜 Watercress Honey
8 %
SGD 4.18
酸柑水 Lime Juice
8 %
SGD 4.18
泰国椰子 Thai Coconut
4 %
SGD 6.90
Corkage liquor
Corkage wine
花生 Peanut
纸巾 Towel

Please indicate number of towel required. 请注明所需纸巾数量。

黄金馒头仔 (一份5粒) Bun Fried (Set of 5)

5 Pieces $3.00

白饭 White Rice
加咖沙汤 Add Laska Soup
加咖喱汤 Add Curry Soup
加汤 Add Soup

This is add on is meant for: Claypot Crab Vermicelli Soup 砂锅螃蟹米粉汤

加米粉 Add Vermicelli

* This is meant for Crab items only

加茶杯 Add Tea Cup
订金 Deposit
其他 Others